10:00 AM10:00

Loddon Mallee Hume Aboriginal Regional Network Meeting

Next Meeting - 13th June 2024 in Echuca (Port of Echuca Hotel)

Previous Meeting Agenda:





Chairperson:      Di Christensen

Note taker:         Vicki Walker


9.45 -10.00 AM               TEA & COFFEE ON ARRIVAL -NETWORKING

10.15 AM                           SHANNON FIREBRACE – Welcome to Country & his work at Rumbalara                                                          Elders Facility

10.30 AM                          AUNTY MARG CLARKE VCAACD SECRETARIAT – all about VCAACD

11.00 AM                          PALLIATIVE CARE VICTORIA – SIMON AND JESS

11.30 AM                          MORNING TEA

11.45 AM                           KIRBY WIDGETT – ELDERS RIGHTS ADVOCACY

12.00 PM                           Q & A

12.30 PM                           LUNCH & NETWORKING

1.30 PM                             REGIONAL TEAM NORTH – Statewide Lead – In-home Aged Care update

2.15 PM                             PAUL BENNETT  Regional Wellness and Reablement Consultant update

2.45PM                              Aboriginal Organisation Reports, what you’re up to, what’s your plans in ‘24

3.00PM                               Meeting close


NEXT MEETING:               13th June – Echuca Venue to be advised

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10:30 PM22:30

Enkindle Consulting - Implementing the New Aged Care Act


A practical workshop guiding CHSP providers through the intricacies of the new Aged Care Act and Regulatory Framework. Attendees will be supported in contributing to a detailed action plan outlining necessary implementations or enhancements to ensure their organisation's compliance with the new legislation. In the online format, the workshop is divided into two distinct parts:

Virtual Session: A 3.5 to 4-hour online session with participants actively engaged.

Post-Workshop: A 3.5 to 4-hour session without participants, where Enkindle collates and documents the conversations and chat notes.

Following this, participants receive the plan they contributed to during the online session.

Materials sent to participants post-workshop will include:

- An implementation plan collated from the workshop activities

- A copy of the presentation slide deck for reference.


Date: Wednesday 12th June 2024, 9:30am-1:30pm AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpfu2hqTMqEtIW-90Im38B0YTYko4wS-IJ


Date: Thursday 27th June 2024, 9:30am-1:30pm AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuduGsqjgsE9f4l5yfiXk8xUIlFtO7sBR5

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10:30 PM22:30

Enkindle Consulting - Planning for Reform Success Bootcamp

Gateway Health and West Gippsland Healthcare Group's Wellness and Reablement Consultants (Paul Bennett and Sally Dagg) are pleased to be able to offer this highly regarded workshop and are seeking Expressions of Interest from select organisations, to participate in the Planning for Reform Success Bootcamp (online) delivered by Enkindle Consulting.  As places are strictly limited, we may need to establish a waiting list. We will confirm your organisation's status after the EOI process is completed.

This is an immersive online workshop tailored for CHSP provider organisations. Enkindle Consulting will guide you through a comprehensive exploration of the upcoming reform and its implications, leading interactive activities to pinpoint your organisation's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. By the end of the day, each participating organisation will depart equipped with a strategic roadmap, along with practical templates and tools to facilitate ongoing planning. 

During our session, your team will:

  • Identify critical priorities, unearth opportunities, and gain clarity on actionable steps.

  • Engage in discussions around sustainable service strategies and fostering growth.

  • Craft a structured timeline of projects to ensure reform readiness.

  • Access valuable templates and tools to effectively document your roadmap and report back to your board.

This session is designed to bring together up to 3-4 designated team members to identify strategic projects and develop your organisation's reform roadmap, aligning with the evolving legislative and reform landscape. We are suggesting designated members from your organisation could include CEO, Board Members, Financial Controller, Quality Care Staff, HR, CHSP Program Manager/Team Leader. The workshop is available for CHSP Service Providers within the Hume and Gippsland regions.

Workshop Details

Wednesday, 10th May 2024

9.30am to 4pm (online via Zoom)

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10:30 PM22:30

Enkindle Consulting - How to Select a Home Care ITC Platform

WEBINAR - How to select a home care ITC platform (2h incl Q&A)

Co-hosted with Glenn Payne from Three Digital, this webinar provides practical steps to select a new Home Care IT Platform to help CHSP and Home Care providers avoid ‘buyers regret’.

What should go into your requirements documents and a practical checklist for selecting the platform for your organisation. The session will deep dive into the ITC Toolkit on selecting a platform,

published in November 2023.

We will also include:

• A copy of the presentation slide deck


Date: Wednesday 1st May 2024, 9:30am-11:30am AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqd-Chpj4jE9VfOJ2IG_Eotux2cDItBW06


Date: Monday 24Th June 2024, 9:30am-11:30am AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrc-uurzsuHdHpV8eLmuk-Toq34vru_wqP

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10:30 PM22:30

Enkindle Consulting - Attraction and Recruitment Tactics for Aged Care

WEBINAR – Attraction and Recruitment Tactics for Aged Care (1h incl Q&A)

This webinar provides practical recommendations and tactics to enhance aged care organisations' approach to sourcing and attracting their workforce. During this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

• The role of employer branding

• Recruitment sourcing, marketing, and advertising

• Government-funded Initiatives to support planning, attraction, and


• Planning your attraction and recruitment activities

We will include:

• A copy of the full presentation slide deck


Date: Thursday 29th April 2024, 2:00-3:00pm AEST

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qd--qrjoiHdKxdceo5SgFGrooBu-fMu77


Date: Tuesday 14th May 2024, 9:30am-10:30am AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpc-CrpjgqEtAcUMwkiHegcoCP3nFDniv6

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10:30 PM22:30

Enkindle Consulting - Practical Strategies for Workforce Retention

WEBINAR - Practical Strategies for Workforce Retention (1h incl Q&A)

Aged Care providers have an opportunity to re-think their workforce strategies and activities to improve their ability to retain their people. In this webinar, we touch on critical strategies, including:

• Supervision and Support

• Leadership development

• Employee Listening

• Development and training

We will include:

• A copy of the presentation slide deck


Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm AEST



Date: Thursday 6th June 2024, 9:00-10:00am AEST

Registration:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqcuyhqD4iEteuzOhS9Nteqt6Vx-3nU5IT

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W&R in Community O/T - Online workshop and Networking Event
2:30 PM14:30

W&R in Community O/T - Online workshop and Networking Event

This Online event is for Community Occupational Therapists who work with Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) Clients


Date: Wednesday 27th March 2024, 2.30pm- 3.30pm (AEDT)

Venue: Online via Zoom

Registration is required:



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Registrations close CoB Monday 25th March 2024



¨ Find out about Wellness and Reablement means in CHSP.

¨ Have your questions answered on how reablement works in practice.

¨ Enhance your knowledge on supporting OT clients with Reablement.

¨ Review OT specific scenarios & case studies.

¨ Community OT’s new to Wellness & Reablement & experienced OT’s are encouraged to attend and share their knowledge.


 Hosted by Barwon, Grampians, and Hume Sector Support and Development Consultants

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Wellness & Reablement for Intake - Online Workshop & Networking Event
2:30 PM14:30

Wellness & Reablement for Intake - Online Workshop & Networking Event

This is an online event, for representatives of Intake Services that accept Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) referrals via My Aged Care (MAC).

Date: Wednesday 6th March 2024, 2.30-3.30pm (AEDT)

Venue: Online via Zoom.

Registration is required:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registrations close Monday 4th March 2024

Find out about Wellness and Reablement.

Have your questions answered on how reablement works in practice.

Learn more about the important role Intake plays in Wellness and Reablement.

Review Intake specific scenarios and case stories/studies.

Hosted by Barwon, Gippsland, Grampians, and Hume Sector Support and Development Consultants.

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The Murray Mallee Podcast - Interview with Nick Morgan
to Jun 28

The Murray Mallee Podcast - Interview with Nick Morgan

Rural City of Murray Bridge

Happy New Year, and welcome back to work.

I am delighted to say that I was lucky enough to interview Nick Morgan, before Christmas, about the delay in the commencement of the new program for CSHP providers. I was able to ask lots of direct questions, including:

Will CSHP programme come under the new Act?
When to CSHP providers have to be registered?
Why is Social Support a category 4 activity?
What happens to home mods in the new programme?
Is SSD continuing, and much much more.

To listen either go her https://murraymalleetaskforce.buzzsprout.com 47
Or find the podcast by searching The Murray Mallee Taskforce Podcast, on your listening apps. E.g. Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music etc.

Regards, Lisa

Murray Mallee Collaborative Project Officer

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Expression of Interest: Support at Home online workshops
8:00 PM20:00

Expression of Interest: Support at Home online workshops

We want to hear directly from in-home aged care providers to help us refine the new Support at Home program.

Under Support at Home, we will improve access to services, equipment and home modifications to help older people to remain healthy, active and socially connected to their community.

From 12 to 21 February 2024, we will be holding 8 online workshops that will focus on different aspects of the draft program design, such as care management, funding model and assistive technology.

Each online workshop will be 90 minutes long from 1pm – 2.30pm AEDT.

If you are interested in participating in one or more of these consultations, please fill out this short survey by 5pm AEDT, Wednesday 31 January 2024.

Schedule of Discussions, February 2024

Date and time Discussion topic

Monday 12 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 1: Care management Tuesday 13 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 2: End-of-life pathway Wednesday 14 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 3: Funding Model Thursday 15 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 4: First Nations pathway Friday 16 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 5: Assistive technology Monday 19 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 6: Self-management Tuesday 20 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 7: Restorative care pathway Wednesday 21 February 2024, 1pm - 2.30pm AEDT Session 8: Home modifications

We will send the workshop invites by Tuesday 6 February 2024. Please note, we may not be able to accommodate everyone who registers their interest.

You can also register for one of our online Q&A sessions about Support at Home:

For more information on the reforms to in-home aged care, visit our website.

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9:00 AM09:00

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year. It raises awareness across the world and in the community about the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. It is a day for people to show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.



What Can You Do:

Buy, make and wear red awareness ribbons 

Host or attend a vigil 

Hold a fundraising morning tea 

Bake red velvet cupcakes 

Host a guest speaker from Living Positive Victoria’s Positive Speakers Bureau

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Hume Region Alliance, SSD Connect Alliance - Social Support Group Forum
9:30 PM21:30

Hume Region Alliance, SSD Connect Alliance - Social Support Group Forum

This special in-person event is for social support group coordinators, team leaders & staff who work for CHSP-funded aged care providers in Loddon Mallee and Hume, and regional Victoria.

The day includes

Presentations about:

✔️ Cognitive Stimulation Therapy with Merri Health

✔️ Intergenerational Cooking Program with Gateway Health

✔️ Overview of the reforms & how they relate to social support groups with the Department of Health and Aged Care


✔️ Time for discussions & activities with your social support group colleagues from across your region

✔️ Short films created by social support group staff from the North Metro & West Metro Regions

🎬 The opportunity to take part in a workshop about making your own videos with your smartphone. 

Morning tea + lunch provided.


The forum is provided at no cost to CHSP-funded organisations.

Presented by

The SSD Connect Alliance & Hume Region Alliance.

Booking Tickets

When booking on behalf of team members please book the ticket in their name. Duplicate orders will be cancelled.

Up to 5 people from the same organisation can attend.

This workshop is for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) funded aged care service providers only.

Spaces are Limited

Places for this event are limited. This is so we can give you the best experience. If you can't attend, please cancel your ticket or let us know on ssd@scchc.org.au.

If you give us enough notice, we may be able to offer your place to one of your sector colleagues.

Receiving important emails

Add ssd@scchc.org.au & order@humantix.com to your contacts list, safe senders and domains list. This will help our emails get through your IT security.
If you don’t know how to do this talk to your IT people.

If you don't receive the Humantix confirmation email after you register or other emails about the event, talk to your IT people or contact us on ssd@scchc.org.au

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9:00 AM09:00

Trans Day of Rememberance

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on 20 November that honours the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.


What You Can Do:

Invite a trans/gender diverse speaker to talk about trans history and experiences 

Host or attend a vigil 

Show a trans-educational film or documentary (e.g. Becoming Colleen)

Provide and wear pronoun badges

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9:00 AM09:00

Intersex Awareness Day

Intersex Awareness Day is observed on October 26, 2023. Intersex Awareness Day (also spelled as Inter Sex Awareness Day or abbreviated as IAD) is an internationally observed civil awareness day designed to highlight the challenges faced by intersex people.


What You Can Do:

Educate - learn about intersex variations 

Affirm the Darlington Statement: www.darlington.org.au

Host a guest speaker from the intersex community 

Share resources from Intersex Human Rights Australia

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9:00 AM09:00

International Bisexuality Day

This annual day is a call for the bisexual community, their friends and supporters to recognise and celebrate bisexuality, bisexual history, bisexual community and culture, and the bi- and pansexual people in their lives.

www.bi-alliance.org/ www.melbournebisexualnetwork.com

What You Can Do:

Host a morning or afternoon tea 

Provide an education session about bisexuality 

Show a Bi- educational film or documentary 

Have a guest speaker

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9:00 AM09:00

Wear It Purple Day

Wear it Purple Day (WIPD) was founded in 2010 in response to global stories of younger people experiencing bullying and harassment, resulting in some taking their lives. While WIPD has more of a focus on younger LGBTI+ people, look for ways to integrate into your program to show support.


What Can You Do:

Wear purple colours for the day 

Host intergenerational LGBTIQA+ guest speakers 

Fly the rainbow/pride flag 

Facilitate a social visit involving LGBTI youth 

Have a competition - design a poster to show support to LGBTIQA+ community and elders

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The Power of Engagement: Enhancing Onboarding and Retention Efforts
2:00 PM14:00

The Power of Engagement: Enhancing Onboarding and Retention Efforts

Boosting the Local Care Workforce Program (BLCW) has developed a National webinar titled:

The Power of Engagement: Enhancing Onboarding and Retention Efforts.

The guest Speaker is Maria Smith, Founder and CEO of Bounce Global - Maria is a communications and behaviour change expert with over 15 years’ experience in workforce engagement and activation. She is the creative force behind the Bounce Program, a transformational soft-skills program credited with impacting the lives of thousands of people across the globe.


You will discover the 5 steps that will change the way you interact with your new and existing staff to ensure you are an employer of choice within the sector.

Online event: 29th June, from 2pm - 3.30pm


To Register for this fantastic webinar - 

Click HERE

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Carer’s Victoria - Mingle 2023!
10:00 AM10:00

Carer’s Victoria - Mingle 2023!


Join us at Mingle 2023, share your voice and delight in the soulful performance of popular singer and songwriter, Michelle Parsons, while enjoying a delicious High Tea.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about carer services in your local area, reconnect with other carers and focus on your wellbeing.


Mingles are FREE events for unpaid family and friend carers.


10.00am - 12.30pm

Shepparton Golf Club 15 Golf Drv, Shepparton

RSVP by Wednesday 10 May

RSVP: Places are strictly limited. To secure your place register online:

www.carersvictoria.org.au/ mingle2023 or phone: 1800 514 845 (option 2).

One Mingle event per carer. Please advise if you have any special dietary requirements at the time of booking. We know caring can be tough, so if you know another carer who needs some time out, invite them to RSVP too.

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9:00 AM09:00


International Day Against Homophobia/Transphobia/ Biphobia/Intersexism. On May 17 people all over Australia stand against discrimination in support of LGBTIQA+ mates, colleagues and families



Thinkgs You Can Do:

Decorate with and wear rainbow colours for the day 

Host a rainbow themed bake-off or morning tea 

Host a guest speaker or hold a community forum 

Fly the rainbow/pride flag 

Hold an event - a celebratory picnic or barbeque 

Provide information in your newsletter or program

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Recruitment Support Session for Aged and Disability Care
9:30 AM09:30

Recruitment Support Session for Aged and Disability Care

You can’t ask that! Ask the questions you have wanted to.

Highlighting and discussing the innovative and strategic recruitment options for the Aged Care, Disability and other community services.

Meet industry leaders, Training Providers, and Employment specialists.

Chat with available support services to provide feedback or collaborate on future programs or leave inspired and with the right tools so you can create bespoke placed based recruitment solutions for your organisation.

See link for ticket bookings:

You Can't Ask That - information session Tickets, Tue 04/04/2023 at 9:30 am | Eventbrite

April 4, 2023 | 9.30am - 4pm Park lake, 481 Wyndham St Shepparton

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9:00 AM09:00

Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility, celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.

Things you can do:

Invite a trans/gender diverse guest speaker 

Talk about pronouns - give everyone a pronoun badge 

Host a morning tea 

Fly the trans flag 

Show an educational film or place an article in your newsletter about an older trans/gender diverse person

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2:00 PM14:00

Reablement for Intake - Online Workshop and Networking Event


This is an online event, for staff working in Intake Services that accept Commonwealth Home Support (CHSP) referrals from My Aged Care (MAC)


Date / Time:

Tuesday 7th March 2023, 2.00-3.30pm


Online via Zoom. Link will be sent out after registration

To book:

Registration is required


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registrations close at CoB Tuesday 28th February 2023



¨ Find out what Reablement is

¨ Have all your questions answered on how reablement works in practice.

¨ Learn more about the important role Intake plays in Reablement.

¨ Review Intake specific reablement scenarios and case stories/studies.


A cross regional event hosted by Grampians, Gippsland, Barwon and Hume Wellness and Reablement Consultants






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9:00 PM21:00

Reablement in Social Support - Online Workshop (Workshops 1 and 2)

This is an online event for Social Support staff working with CHSP clients.

Service Providers & Regional Assessment Services are invited to attend / collaborate.


Date / Time:

 Tuesday 28th February 2023, 9am – 10.30am (Workshop 1)

Tuesday 28th February 2023, 2.30pm- 4pm (Workshop 2)

Separate workshops are being conducted due to operational requirements of Social Support Groups – information presented will be the same at each workshop


Online via Zoom. Link will be sent out after registration

To book:

 Registration is required

Workshop 1  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tf-ispjorHdcZ9zfflELC3jfF_yUbeeTm


Workshop 2 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sd-CoqDgtGNLD-TZcExJkOTqBtNOlrxOz


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registrations close at CoB Tuesday 21st February 2023


¨ Find out what Reablement is.

¨ Have all your questions answered regarding how reablement works in Social Support settings.

¨ Enhance your knowledge and skills to support clients with reablement in Social Support settings.

¨ Review Social Support specific reablement scenarios and client stories.


A cross regional event hosted by Grampians, Gippsland, Barwon and Hume Wellness and Reablement Consultants






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1:00 PM13:00

Supporting the Needs of Culturally Diverse Seniors - 28th February 2023

Dear Representative,

We are delighted to invite you and 3 of your staff to the

Culturally Appropriate Care Training Workshop and Consultation


Time: 1pm to 3pm

Date: 28th February

Venue: St Paul’s African House

 54 Poplar Ave, Shepparton

Afternoon tea provided

RSVP by 22nd February 2023

To register go to Eventbrite:


This training workshop will give you and your staff the opportunity to learn more about:

·        Skills in working effectively with culturally diverse seniors

·        Multilingual resources to support seniors and good practice in culturally inclusive aged care

·        The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) Moving Pictures project promoting dementia awareness for in culturally diverse communities

·        How to apply for the Different Languages, Same Aged Care project funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care where providers can get access to free translations to promote language diversity in aged care.

·        The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria’s project which supports ethnic seniors in Victoria

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2:00 PM14:00

Reablement in Community Occupational Therapy - Online Multi Region Workshop


This online event is for Community Occupational Therapists who work with CHSP Clients.

Service Providers & Regional Assessment Services are also invited to attend / collaborate.


Date / Time:

Tuesday 21st February 2023, 2.00pm- 3.30pm


Online via Zoom. Link will be sent out after registration

To book:

Registration is required


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registrations close at CoB Tuesday 14th February 2023



¨ Find out what Reablement means in CHSP.

¨ Have all your questions answered on how reablement works in practice.

¨ Enhance your knowledge on supporting OT clients with Reablement.

¨ Review OT specific reablement scenarios & case studies.

¨ Community OTs new to reablement & experienced OTs are encouraged to attend  share their knowledge.


A cross regional event hosted by Grampians, Gippsland, Barwon and Hume Wellness and Reablement Consultants





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