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Hume Region Alliance - Governance Group Meeting - 5/12/2018

The initial meeting of the Hume Region Alliance Governance Group!

The purpose of this meeting is to come together to plan and consolidate the work of the Hume Region Alliance to enable it to become representative, effective and sustainable for the future during this time of considerable change in the Age and Disability sectors.

Why - Hume Age Care Alliance context and future direction options (short background from Paul on the future and discussion by the group on the implications).

How - Process to help consolidate and progress the Alliance to continue (Short background on options by Suzie and discussion on options and issues, revisit the plan and set priorities).

Who - Proposed structure to help consolidate and progress the Alliance to become sustainable (choose preferred model for the Alliance management for the future).

What - Required resources to help consolidate and progress the Alliance to maintain sustainability (discussion to identify the resources we need to make it all possible and where we could get them from).

When - Time lines for putting the new structure and action plan into place - prior to and after March 2019.

SMART - Recommendations for action (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). 

Outcomes of this governance meeting will be reported back to the Alliance membership at the December Alliance forum.

Later Event: December 18
Hume Region Alliance Forum